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91porn. com 经济学前沿高端讲座|天津大学王子男:Protectionism and Inequality
发布日期:2024-09-02 01:47    点击次数:86

91porn. com 经济学前沿高端讲座|天津大学王子男:Protectionism and Inequality

辽宁大学经济学前沿高端讲座第四十九讲91porn. com

Protectionism and Inequality



嘉宾先容:何真瑜助理教师(辽宁大学李安民经济商讨院)91porn. com

技术:2024年5月10日(周五) 10:00-11:30(北京技术)





摘录: This paper studies the distributional outcomes of protectionism. First, we investigate the short-run distributional effects on workers with different skill levels by estimating structural vector autoregressions (VARs) using high-frequency measures of temporary trade barriers for the United States. We then estimate a panel VAR for a sample of thirty-six countries using the applied tariff rates. Across our empirical exercises, we find robust evidence that protectionism reduces the skill premium but increases the employment ratio between high-skilled and low-skilled workers. To rationalize these findings, we build a two-country dynamic general equilibrium model featuring asymmetric search-and-matching (SAM) frictions, capital-skill complementarity (CSC) in production and producer dynamics, which successfully replicates the VAR evidence. Our counterfactual analysis highlights the interaction between asymmetric SAM and CSC in qualitatively shaping the distributional patterns of protectionism, while producer dynamics magnify these effects quantitatively.



王子男,天津大学马寅初经济学院助理教师,好意思国华盛顿大学经济学博士,北京大学理学学士、硕士。主要商讨领域为宏不雅经济学、海外经济学和管事经济学。著述发表于open economics review。